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Unternehmen Mitte is located right in the heart of Basel, just a few minutes’ walk from the Rhine, the cathedral and the market square. The streetcar stops at «Barfüsserplatz» or «Marktplatz», connecting all parts of the city. There is a choice of rooms for small and large events, seminars and parties. The in-house organic restaurant prepares aperitifs and receptions. À la carte or on individual request.

Who Is Where?
Fresh Up
Design, Culture & Kitsch - Secondhand
Freitag Store Basel
Cult bags made from used and recyclable materials
Flower shop in the hall
1st floor
Alex Silver Company
Imagological Institute
Stern Zürn Architects
Markus Stern & Marco Zürn
Jason Snape
Michael Scherz
Founder & CEO
Dr. Monika Jäggi
Social geographer, science journalist
Daniel Behr – interactive solution
Valeska Marina Stach
Author and artist
Ulla Authenrieth
Media research
Valerie von der Malsburg
Social Investors
Thomas Ekwall
Structural engineer ETH
Aga Gut
Arch | Art
2nd floor
3rd floor
Rooms for body, soul and spirit
Sarah Chaksad, Patrik Zosso, Jonas Pirna
Dipl.-Psych. Karin Banholzer
Psychotherapy for children, separation and divorce counseling, civil law expert opinions, supervision
Prof. Dr. Günther Wüsten
Federally recognized psychotherapist, hypnotherapist DGH
Velumount GmbH
Velumount is the simple solution to snoring and sleep apnea
Oak Wise
Academic Mentoring & Consulting
2 Uhr 25 Minuten