Wed 22, June 2022

How are things looking for democracy?

Andreas Gross

Foto: Katharina Schillinger

Democracy is the process by which we shape our lives together, exercise power and politicize. The democratic state is capable of acting through the consent of its citizens. In a democracy, the citizens form the “sovereign”. The importance of globally active companies and transnational organizations creates new challenges for democracy. States no longer act as sovereign arbiters of the markets, but are subjugated to the markets and thus become the plaything of capital interests. The multiple crises of the present (Covid, climate, war, economic crises) are putting increasing pressure on democratic institutions. Innovative food for thought is needed to look ahead and expand democracy.

Do we need to think about democracy as globally as the markets and reorganize it? How do we make democracy in Switzerland fit for the 21st century?

Wie steht es um die Demokratie?Andreas Gross
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Foto: Katharina Schillinger

About the person

Andreas Gross is a political scientist and historian, was a member of the Swiss National Council and the Council of Europe and is considered one of the best experts on Swiss democracy. For 30 years, he has lectured on direct democracy in global comparison, primarily at German universities. He is co-founder of the “Group for a Switzerland without an Army”, co-initiator of the popular initiative for Switzerland’s accession to the UN and author of numerous books on democracy, human rights and peace policy.

6 Uhr 41 Minuten