Tue 28, March 2023

Forced marriage and financial crisis

with Dominik Gross, Sarah Wyss, Fabio Canetg

On March 19, 2023, the Federal Council announced to the world the state-backed takeover of Credit Suisse by UBS. The measures were able to avert an acute financial crisis, but raise big questions that go to the heart of the Swiss understanding of democracy. What is democracy worth if it can simply be undermined? Do we still live in a free market economy if losses are nationalized? Why does the state have endless money to bail out the banks but not the AHV?

Zwangsheirat und Finanzkrisemit Dominik Gross, Sarah Wyss, Fabio Canetg
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Fabio Canetg, Dominik Gross und Sarah Wyss bei UM Politics Talks Podium (v.l.n.r.) Foto: Alma Orania Rau
The panel

Sarah Wyss

Basel National Councillor and Vice-President of the Finance Committee

Dominik Gross

Steuer und Finanzexperte

Fabio Canetg

Host of the SRF "Geldcast"

5 Uhr 36 Minuten