Sat 22, October 2022

Those who remain silent agree

Ulrike Guérot / Episode 18

Wer schweigt, stimmt zuUlrike Guérot
00:00 / 00:00

In times of crisis and collective uncertainty, accounts of how we cope develop into one-way streets and uncompromising narratives. Views and perspectives that deviate from this path appear disruptive and out of place. The result is a division into black and white, good and evil. This has been particularly evident in the Covid-19 pandemic. Opinions and positions have formed that no longer interact with each other. Ulrike Guérot has dedicated the essay “Wer schweigt, stimmt zu” [“Those Who Remain Silent, Agree”] to this phenomenon. She examines the role different opinions play for democracy, the danger posed by one-sided crisis narratives and how we want to shape politics together in the future. We talk to her about her experiences, her current assessments of the energy and war crisis and, last but not least, the prospects for a better, peaceful coexistence.


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UM Politics Talks

Redaktion & Kuration

Daniel Häni, Meret Rieger Christoph Schram, Charlotte Böttger


Meret Rieger & Christoph Schram

Kamera und Schnitt

Daniel Hammer

Tontechnik und Post-Production

Sebastian Stebler

Kontakt und Feedback

23 Uhr 54 Minuten