
Puppet Theater

Poetic, humorous, clever – performed for people of all ages.

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Wer ist der Grösste?

Safe Theater
Basement / entrance via hall
Unternehmen Mitte
Gerbergasse 30
4001 Basel

Silberfuchs Puppet Theater

Kindergartens & Schools

Extra performances with customized dates for kindergartens and schools are partially subsidized by the Basel-Stadt Department of Education (cost per child: CHF 5).

Contact for school and kindergarten performances:

Next performances of «Gans der Bär»

17. / 18. August

7. / 8. September

21. / 22 September

19. / 20. October

16. / 17. November

14. / 15. December

The Puppeteer

Since its foundation in 2006, the Silberfuchs puppet theater has been a one-woman show for which Anna Friedel molds or sews her own puppets. The focus of her puppet-making is on well-defined characters. Her play is occasionally cheeky and humorous. Atmospheric music carries the poetry in the play, composed and recorded exclusively for the pieces.

Anna Friedel considers her theater to be suitable for everyone from the age of five upwards. Music, crafts, storytelling, play and dance have been a vital part of her life since childhood and will be reflected throughout her plays as a complete work of art.



«Der Mondsee»


«Das tapfere Schneiderlein»


«Wer ist der Grösste?»


«Das Fotoalbum»


«Gans der Bär»

7 Uhr 59 Minuten